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What exactly is SAF-T?

SAF-T, short for Standar Audit File for Tax, is an international standard used to interchange tax and accounting information.

What is the purpose of the SAF-T File?

The reason for its use is to gather all fiscal and accounting information and help auditors and fiscal entities to organize and analyze accounting entries, fiscal declarations and accounting documents. To sum up it is one of the digital tax solutions.

Why have fiscal authorities decided to use SAF-T ?

Being one of the digital tax solutions, this standardized XML file that is legible regardless of the accounting system source, agencies are able to send the information required to the fiscal entities easily and securely; reducing administrative resources. 

How can Avantio help you stay up to date with SAFT-PT invoice

At Avantio we adapt to local legal reporting requirements to facilitate the procedure for your accounting team. 

With the SAFT-PT accounting module you will be able to:  

  • Export to the Tax-Office (Agência Tributária) through the E-fatura module. 
  • Issue invoices for extras and services 
  • Generate invoices in the owner´s name 


As of January 1st, 2021, according to Ordinance no. 195/2020 there are certain changes that affect the invoicing.

From now on the invoices issued must include the following new codes: a QR code and an ATCUD code.

Information about the codes

QR Code:  

The implementation of this QR code is mandatory in each issued invoice and other fiscal documents. 


The following regulation Order of Sr. SEAAF No. 412/2020XII decided to postpone the communication and implementation of the serial number and unique ATCUD code until January 1, 2022, however there is a period of adaptation from the second half of 2021.

The ATCUD code is a unique document code that is composed of the validation code of the series and the sequential document number within the series. The AT must provide the agencies with the ATCUD code to use.

Avantio is fully adapted to the new SAFT-PT requirements, if your current software is not, we will be happy to help you out. 

For more information request a free personal consultation with our market experts.